My name is Jordan Clarke. When I was old enough to understand my name, I thought "Why, Mommy and Daddy, Why?". People thought I was boy, and clearly I am not. When my mother gave birth to me, and took me home for the first time, all of my aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins were there to great me. They asked my mom what my name was, and she said "Jordan!", with a huge smile on her face. My mom told me that everyones faces dropped and they went, "JORDAN?!, THAT'S A BOY'S NAME!". Great way to start of my life in the world huh? My mom was completely in love with my name. She thought it made me different, and I'll give her that...I am different! My mom fell in love with my name after talking to my dad and looking through baby name books and just pondering what to name me. My older sister Chelsea, was named because my mom heard a women yelling at her little girl Chelsea to get away from the water. I wasn't named for anything special. I wish i was named after someone, but I am not. My middle name is McKenzie and that's my dad's doing because he wanted to give me and Irish name. My dad was set on naming me Shannon McKenzie, a very Irish name. But my mom convinced him to agree on Jordan. If I was a boy, I would've been named Ryan Richard or Kyle Thomas. My father's name is Richard Thomas, so that's where those names came into play. My dad claims that I'm the son he's never had. Probably because I was the biggest tomboy when i was younger so I guess my name fit.
Jordan actually means "Down-flowing" or "downward". It's a Hebrew word. I think its funny how there's a River Jordan. That's the meaning behind my name. Now that I'm older i don't mind being named Jordan. I really used to hate it because I was always mistaken for a boy. Even on my birth certificate they accidentally marked male as my sex and my mom had to call a legal place and get it changed back. It took awhile for me to became a "girl" again. It's a drag being called Mr.Jordan Clarke, and friends parents thinking I'm a boy. It's sort of embarrassing but I get over it. As long as people realize I'm a girl then I'm okay. I went through a stage where I hated my name. I was in middle school and I wanted people to call me Jordy. Teachers, friends, and even my parents. I finally realized that my name is unique and makes me who I am, so I just went by Jordan again. I have a lot of nicknames that my friends call me, but I don't really have a great name to make nicknames out of. Some of my nicknames include, JClarke, JC, Jordy, JDawg Jordyshort, Jord, Jordz, hJmac, and J. Jordan McKenzie Clarke is the name I'm stuck with for the rest of my life, so I might as well like it!
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